

A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Novel Formulation of Ketorolac Tromethamine for Continuous Infusion (NTM-001) in Healthy Volunteers

Introduction: There is an urgent unmet medical need for a safe, effective, nonopioid analgesic agent for postoperative pain control.

Methods: This first-in-man study was designed to explore a data-informed, model-based candidate dosage regimen and safety of a novel formulation of ketorolac tromethamine (NTM-001) delivered as a 12.5-mg intravenous (IV) bolus followed immediately by 3.5 mg/h continuous infusion over 24 h compared versus IV bolus dosing of 30 mg generic ketorolac every 6 h. The study evaluated pharmacokinetic parameters and safety profiles based on a targeted product profile. A graphical overlay method and model-based comparisons were used to assess the concentration-time curve.

Results: Healthy adults (n = 28, 50% men) received NTM-001 and bolus dosing in an open-label crossover design. Observed plasma concentrations were tightly aligned with predicted values with no outliers. Graphical overlay comparisons showed low between-subject variability and agreed with forecasted concentration-time targets. The pharmacokinetic (PK) base models fit with preliminary PK data from both the NTM-001 and bolus groups with model fit median profiles within 95% prediction limits and no updating of the models. Consistent with serum concentration-time profiles, pain relief scores fell within predicted limits, with initial pain relief scores of NTM-001 slightly above the target profile, likely because the initial serum ketorolac concentrations were somewhat higher than predicted. The 24-h pain relief predicted for NTM-001 based on the area under the median ketorolac pain relief versus time curve was about 6% below that of the pain relief target. Both treatments were well tolerated and no subject withdrew because of adverse events.

Conclusions: The PK parameters for NTM-001 and comparator bolus were similar to the modeling targets with no updating of the base model. There were no outliers and little intersubject variability. NTM-001 delivered as a bolus of 12.5 mg IV followed immediately by continuous infusion of 3.5 mg/h using a standard hospital infusion pump may offer an alternative to opioids for acute postoperative pain control.



This study sounds like a significant step in addressing the critical need for nonopioid pain management post-surgery. The exploration of NTM-001, a novel formulation of ketorolac tromethamine, through a data-informed, model-based dosage regimen is particularly intriguing.

The alignment between observed and predicted plasma concentrations without outliers suggests a promising consistency in the drug's performance. The low between-subject variability and the agreement of concentration-time targets from graphical overlay comparisons indicate a robust pharmacokinetic profile for NTM-001.

The fact that both NTM-001 and the comparator bolus demonstrated similar pharmacokinetic parameters without requiring model updates is impressive. Additionally, the well-tolerated nature of both treatments without any withdrawals due to adverse events is encouraging.

The slight deviation in initial pain relief scores and the 6% difference in pain relief predicted for NTM-001 compared to the target profile could be areas for further exploration. However, the potential for NTM-001, administered as a 12.5 mg IV bolus followed by continuous infusion, to serve as an opioid alternative for acute postoperative pain control seems promising.

Overall, this study provides compelling evidence supporting NTM-001 as a potential nonopioid analgesic for managing postoperative pain, which could significantly benefit patients and contribute to addressing the opioid crisis.

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