

Preclinical pharmacokinetics, disposition, and translational pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling of savolitinib, a novel selective cMet inhibitor

Savolitinib is a novel small-molecule selective cMet inhibitor. This work characterized its pharmacokinetics in preclinical phase, established the preclinical relationships between PK, cMet modulation and anti-tumor efficacy. In vitro and in vivo animal studies were performed for PK characterization. Savolitinib showed good absorption, moderate tissue distribution, low to intermediate clearance, and low accumulation. Hepatic oxidative metabolism followed by urinary and biliary excretions was the major elimination pathway. Based on preclinical PK data, human PK profiles were predicted using empirical methods. Pharmacodynamic studies for evaluating cMet inhibition and anti-tumor efficacy were conducted in nude mice bearing Hs746t xenograft. PK/PD models were built to link the PD measurements to nude mouse PK. The established integrated preclinical PK/PD model contained a two-compartment non-linear PK model, a biomarker link model and a tumor growth transit model. The IC50 of cMet inhibition and the concentration achieving half of the maximal Hs746t tumor reduction by savolitinib were equal to 12.5 and 3.7 nM (free drug), respectively. Based on the predicted human PK data, as well as the established PK/PD model in nude mouse, the human PD (cMet inhibition) profiles were also simulated. This research supported clinical development of savolitinib. Understanding the preclinical PK/PD relationship of savolitinib provides translational insights into the cMet-targeted drug development.

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Cat.No. Product Name Information
S7674 Savolitinib (AZD6094) Savolitinib (Volitinib, AZD6094, HMPL-504) is a novel, potent, and selective MET inhibitor currently in clinical development in various indications, including PRCC. The IC50 values of this compound for c-Met and p-Met are 5 nM and 3 nM, respectively. It shows exquisite selectivity for c-Met over 274 kinase.

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